Example 105: Stationary Nonlinear Diffusion equation
Solve the following nonlinear diffusion equation:
\[\begin{aligned} -(2uu_x)_{x} &= 1 \\ u(0) &= 0.1 \\ u(1) &= 0.1 . \end{aligned}\]
for $x \in \Omega=(0,1)$ with inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions using the implicit Euler method (internal method).
module Example105_StationaryNonlinearDiffusion
using SkeelBerzins
function main()
N_x = 21
L = 1
T = 1
x_mesh = collect(range(0, L; length=N_x))
m = 0
function pdefun(x, t, u, dudx)
c = 1
f = 2 * u * dudx
s = 1
return c, f, s
function icfun(x)
u0 = 0.1
return u0
function bdfun(xl, ul, xr, ur, t)
pl = ul - 0.1
ql = 0
pr = ur - 0.1
qr = 0
return pl, ql, pr, qr
sol = pdepe(m, pdefun, icfun, bdfun, x_mesh)
return sum(sol)
using Test
function runtests()
testval = 6.025575019008793
sol = main()
@test sol ≈ testval
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