Example 103: Linear Diffusion Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates

Solve the following problem

\[u_t = \frac{1}{x}(xu_x)_x\]

for $x \in \Omega=(0,1)$ with the imposed symmetry condition in $x=0$ (since use of cylindrical coordinates) and Dirichlet condition in $x=1$.

We initialize our problem with the exact solution (Bessel function and its first zero):

\[u(x,0) = J_0(nx)\]

where $n = 2.404825557695773$.

module Example103_LinearDiffusionCylindrical

using SkeelBerzins, DifferentialEquations
using SpecialFunctions

function main()
    Nx = 21

    L = 1
    T = 1

    x_mesh = collect(range(0, L; length=Nx))
    tspan = (0, T)

    m = 1

    function pdefun(x, t, u, dudx)
        c = 1
        f = dudx
        s = 0

        return c, f, s

    function icfun(x)
        n = 2.404825557695773
        u0 = besselj(0, n * x)

        return u0

    function bdfun(xl, ul, xr, ur, t)
        n = 2.404825557695773
        pl = 0 # ignored by solver since m=1
        ql = 0 # ignored by solver since m=1
        pr = ur - besselj(0, n) * exp(-n^2 * t)
        qr = 0

        return pl, ql, pr, qr

    params = SkeelBerzins.Params(; solver=:DiffEq)

    pb = pdepe(m, pdefun, icfun, bdfun, x_mesh, tspan; params=params)
    problem = DifferentialEquations.ODEProblem(pb)
    sol_diffEq = DifferentialEquations.solve(problem, Rosenbrock23())

    sol_euler = pdepe(m, pdefun, icfun, bdfun, x_mesh, tspan)

    return (sum(sol_diffEq.u[end]), sum(sol_euler.u[end]))

using Test

function runtests()
    testval_diffEq = 0.038941562421188236
    testval_euler = 0.0463188424523652
    approx_diffEq, approx_euler = main()

    @test approx_diffEq ≈ testval_diffEq && approx_euler ≈ testval_euler


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