
Now that we have an understanding of the overall problem definition, we can explore the various solvers that are included in the package and investigate their specific input and output parameters in detail.

The solvers expect the PDE problem to be described in the following way.

PDE formulation

In order to define the PDE(s), we have to follow the format introduced in the previous section on Problem Definition. For the purpose of this explanation, we use the function pdefunction(x,t,u,dudx) to describe the PDE(s). The inputs of the function are self-explanatory. It will then return the capacity c(x,t,u,dudx), the flux f(x,t,u,dudx) and the source s(x,t,u,dux) terms.

This function will be passed as an argument to the solver.

Define the initial conditions

To define the initial condition(s), we introduce the function icfunction(x) (once again, arbitrary name). For problems that contain at least one parabolic equation, it will return the evaluation of the initial condition on the spatial mesh xmesh at the initial time $t_0$.
For stationary problems it will return the evaluation of the initial value on the spatial mesh xmesh used for the newton solver.

This function will be passed as an argument to the solver.

Define the boundary conditions

To represent the boundary condition, we introduce the function bdfunction(xl,ul,xr,ur,t). The input arguments are:

  • xl: left boundary point of the problem.
  • ul: estimate of the solution evaluated at the left boundary of the domain.
  • xr: right boundary point of the problem.
  • ur: estimate of the solution evaluated at the right boundary of the domain.
  • t: evaluates the boundary conditions at time $t \in [t_0,t_{end}]$.

The function will return the boundary condition terms introduced in the problem definition section, i.e. p(x,t,u) and q(x,t) for the left and right part of the spatial mesh.


If $m>0$ and the left boundary point of the domain is $a=0$, then the solver ignores the given boundary condition to enforce the symmetry condition ensuring second-order accuracy in space near x=0.

This function will be passed as an argument to the solver.

Obtaining Solutions

With the complete PDE formulation defined, we can now introduce the solver function pdepe. Look pdepe.

Using internal method: implicit Euler method

Parabolic equation(s)

The package contains an implementation of the implicit Euler method which can be used to solve parabolic equation(s). The method has a first order error with respect to time.

Elliptic Equation(s)

Only the internal method (implicit Euler method) can be used to solve stationary problems and is written as follows:

\[M \frac{u^{k+1}-u^k}{\Delta t} = A(u^{k+1})\]

with $M$ the mass matrix, $\Delta t$ the time step used for the time discretization, $A$ the (non)linear operator resulting from the space discretization, $u^k$ and $u^{k+1}$ the estimate solutions at time $t_0 + k \Delta t$ and $t_0 + (k+1) \Delta t$ respectively.

In Julia, positive infinity is defined as Inf. By setting $\Delta t =$ Inf, it follows that $\frac{1}{\Delta t} = 0$ and thus we are left with the stationary problem which can solved by using the Newton solver (see SkeelBerzins.newton).

It results that the solution for the stationary problem can be obtained by running one iteration of the implicit Euler method.

Using DifferentialEquations.jl

SkeelBerzins.jl is also compatible with the DifferentialEquations.jl package.

It is possible to return the data from the problem in a SkeelBerzins.ProblemDefinition structure, then to define an ODEProblem and solve it using an ODE/DAE solver from DifferentialEquations.jl.


Solve with internal method: implicit Euler method

# Example of solving a linear diffusion PDE using the internal implicit Euler method.

using SkeelBerzins

# Define symmetry of the problem
m = 0

# Define PDE Formulation
function pdefunction(x,t,u,dudx)
    c = 1
    f = dudx
    s = 0


# Define the initial condition
icfunction(x) = exp(-100*(x-0.25)^2)

# Define the boundary condtions
function bdfunction(xl,ul,xr,ur,t)
    pl = 0
    ql = 1
    pr = 0
    qr = 1


# Define the spatial discretization
xmesh = collect(range(0,1,length=21))

# Define the time interval
tspan = (0,1)

# Solve
sol = pdepe(m,pdefunction,icfunction,bdfunction,xmesh,tspan)

Solve with DifferentialEquations.jl

# Example of solving a linear diffusion PDE using the DifferentialEquations.jl package.

using SkeelBerzins, DifferentialEquations

# Define symmetry of the problem
m = 0

# Define PDE Formulation
function pdefunction(x,t,u,dudx)
    c = 1
    f = dudx
    s = 0


# Define the initial condition
icfunction(x) = exp(-100*(x-0.25)^2)

# Define the boundary condtions
function bdfunction(xl,ul,xr,ur,t)
    pl = 0
    ql = 1
    pr = 0
    qr = 1


# Define the spatial discretization
xmesh = collect(range(0,1,length=21))

# Define the time interval
tspan = (0,1)

# Define Keyword Arguments
params = SkeelBerzins.Params(solver=:DiffEq)

# Solve
problem_data = pdepe(m,pdefunction,icfunction,bdfunction,xmesh,tspan ; params=params)
problem_ode = DifferentialEquations.ODEProblem(problem_data)
sol_ode = DifferentialEquations.solve(problem,Rosenbrock23())
sol = reshape(sol_ode,problem_data)